Many beginners think that if they activate Wealth Star, then they'll automatically get wealthy. This is incorrect.
The Ancient Chinese like to use hyperbolic words to exaggerate things. For example: they always said "Wan Sui" to the Emperor, which means: "Ten Thousands Years". This does not mean that they expected the Emperor to live or reign for 10,000 years. The more apt interpretation to English is something like "Long Live the Emperor!"
Back to Wealth Star, it is also a hyperbolic term. In practice, Wealth Star is actually Work Star or Business Star. If you activate the Wealth Star correctly, you will get more work. For Business Owners, more work normally (but not always) means more money. For salaried employees, more work just mean ... more work 😄
There are no shortcuts in life, only in movies, books or TV shows. Some practitioners say Feng Shui is multiplier effect. You need to put something to be multiplied.
If you are prepared to work hard (more work/business, hence more money), then Feng Shui can help you to enhance/multiply your results.
If you do nothing and just dream of easy money, then you won't get any results.
There are certain birth charts that have windfall luck, but that's a different topic.