Friday, March 27, 2020

About Wealth and Rob Wealth in Ba Zi

When it comes to Ba Zi reading, many people's first question is always about Wealth. Will they become wealthy? Can they be a millionaire/billionaire?

Strong Day Master have potential to earn more when they are in Wealth Luck Pillar or Annual Pillar. During this time, they are strong enough to take the wealth. However, they have potential to leak money when they are in Rob Wealth Luck Pillar or Annual Pillar.

Weak Day Master have potential to lose money easily when they are in Wealth Luck Pillar or Annual Pillar. During this time, the wealth is stronger than them, so they lose (money out). However, they have potential to earn money when they are in Rob Wealth Luck Pillar or Annual Pillar. 

When it comes to Rob Wealth, the Strong Day Master is the one being robbed, while the Weak Day Master is the robber. Not literally of course. That's why Rob Wealth personality is The Leader. They 'rob' other people's talent and lead them. 

An example of this is Liu Bei. Liu Bei was not as smart as Zhuge Liang, not as heroic as Guan Yu, not as strong as Zhang Fei, but he was the leader.

Of course, the entire chart need to be assessed whether Rob Wealth is positive or negative for the person. 

The importance of Date Selection

It's been a while since my last blog post. I have been busy with life, but I have always practiced Chinese Metaphysics on my daily life....