Friday, April 2, 2021

Feng Shui Fundamentals - Landform

In Feng Shui, there are 2 things to look out for: Landform and Formula.

Landform is about the position of your property and its surroundings. What is outside your main door? What is outside your window? What is outside your balcony? How is the road to get to your property?Any blockages? Is it on a higher ground/hill? Is it on a lower ground/valley? Are there visible any rivers or mountains nearby?

Formula is about the Flying Stars and the Eight Mansions.

For Flying Stars, there are 9 Flying Stars in 9 sectors, and each sector has 2 Stars: the Mountain Stars and the Water Stars. There's also Period Stars, Annual Stars, Monthly Stars and even Daily Stars. I will not go into details about Flying Stars in this post (Will go into details on this in another post).

Eight Mansions is about the favorable and unfavorable directions and locations, based on each individual's birth chart. I will not go into details about 8 Mansions in this post. (Will go into details on this in another post).

What I would like to talk in this post is: Landform takes much much higher importance than Formula.

When I first learned Feng Shui, I was so fascinated with the Flying Stars, because it's the popular method. Many websites and teachers heavily promote Flying Stars. I can understand that for beginners, it's so fascinating to learn about how Flying Stars can improve your life. I was once a beginner, so I completely understand that feeling when people are so excited about it.

Is Flying Stars a valid method? Yes, it is. But there's an important factor here. After I learned deeper about Feng Shui and did a lot of practical assessments, I found that Form is much much more important than Formula. The Flying Star will only have effects if it's supported by an external Form.

Example #1: Your main door is facing Star 8 (seen as positive Star by many websites), but facing a straight narrow alleyway (bad landform). Because of the bad landform, you will get the negative effect of Star 8, instead of the positive effects of it.

Example #2: Your main door is facing Star 3 (which is seen as a 'bad' Star by many websites), but it has a good landform, because it's facing a slow moving water curved on a nice side. Because of the good landform, you will get the positive effects of Star 3.

Without any good landforms, the Stars don't really don't much.
Without any bad landforms, the Stars won't harm you.

Flying Stars is a good Feng Shui knowledge, if you know how to utilize it, but the most important thing is: The Property need to have the suitable landform to activate the Flying Stars.

The importance of Date Selection

It's been a while since my last blog post. I have been busy with life, but I have always practiced Chinese Metaphysics on my daily life....