Monday, April 19, 2021

Asking the Right Questions

Most beginners and newbies frequently ask questions like these:
"This is my birth details / chart. Could you tell me about my life?"
"This is my birth details / chart. Is it good or bad?"

To get maximum benefits from a reading/consultation, you need to ask specific questions. Ba Zi (and other Chinese Metaphysics arts) is a very good tool to help goal-achieving and problem-solving. The more details you provide, the more the consultants can help you.

Career-related topic: an example of BAD question:

"I am not happy in my current job. But I don't have any job offers yet. Should I work elsewhere or do business or staying?"

First of all: Do you have any other job offers? or Do you have any business plans? If you don't, then use common sense and apply for other jobs or start a business. When you have the job offer or a business plan, then the consultant can compare which one (staying/leaving/business) is better for you.

Career-related topic: an example of GOOD question:
"I have job offer from Company B and Company C. Their details are such and such. What is the best option for me? Staying at Company A and ask for a raise or Take the offer from Company B or Company C?"

Romance-related topic: an example of BAD question:
"When will I get married?"

First of all: Do you have a serious boyfriend/girlfriend already? If not yet, then you should focus on meeting potential partners first.

Romance-related topic: example of GOOD questions:
"How do I find potential partners?"
"I have 2 potential partners. Here are our birth details. Which one is more compatible for me?"

Business-related topic: an example of BAD question:

"What sort of business is suitable for me?"

First of all: What business is available for you to start? What are your skill and knowledge? What business opportunities are available to you at the moment?

Business-related topic: an example of GOOD question:

"There are 2 business proposals I'm considering. The details are such and such. The business partners details are such and such. Which one is better for me to invest?"

A lot of newbies asking bad questions because they think BaZi (and other Chinese Metaphysics) are for mere entertainment purpose. But if you ask the good/specific questions, Ba Zi (and other Chinese Metaphysics) can help you advancing more in many aspects in life.

The importance of Date Selection

It's been a while since my last blog post. I have been busy with life, but I have always practiced Chinese Metaphysics on my daily life....